Thursday, May 26, 2011


Emotionally it is time for me to finish this diet. It has brought forth great results, but my mental health is suffering so it is time to move forward. I will go to the 3rd phase now for two weeks. Tom has one more week to go on the 3rd phase. Then we will be in the 4th and final phase, the maintenance phase.
I finished going through all of my clothes yesterday. I gave away a big bag today, and I have two large bins over flowing, and a garbage bag of winter clothes to give away in the fall. I plan to take some of the nicer stuff to AZ for a couple of my sisters.

TOM: 162.6
ANN: 151.8


Youngberg Family said...

Holy crap mom! You and I weigh pretty close to the same. Good for you and all your hard work! Now go reward yourself with some hot new clothes!

TC, Ashley said...

Good job! I'm proud of you guys. It sounded like it took a lot of hard work and self control. I don't think I could do it!

Lynette said...

I would like to see pictures! On the clothes! How about capris or skirts. I am good on the rest.