Thursday, June 2, 2011


Tom and I are both ecstatic! We have reached our target weight goals.

I weighed in today at exactly 150 pounds.

Tom weighed in at 161.8. So just a little less than his target of 162.

I have one more week on phase 3, and Tom is now on phase 4, the maintenance phase. He really doesn't have to worry any more about weigh ins etc., just eating sensibly according to what we have been taught. Next Thursday should be my final weigh in!!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


You should see me eating and savoring every bite of my scrumptuous breakfasts. Emotionally, I have been in a much better place now that I am not so restricted on what I can eat.

Yesterday I had 2 pieces of French toast. (The bread was low carb, high fiber, all grain) I used egg beaters to dip the bread in. I also used Walden's Syrup (no carbs, sugar or calories) I also had one piece of turkey bacon, and 1 cup of mixed berries. (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries) and a cup of milk!! Approx. 400 calories

Today: approx 350 calories
1/2 cup blueberries and 1/2 strawberries
1 multigrain light English muffin
fried egg beaters and turkey bacon
(made an egg muffin)
and one cup of milk!

Who would have thought the highlight of my day would be eating breakfast!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Emotionally it is time for me to finish this diet. It has brought forth great results, but my mental health is suffering so it is time to move forward. I will go to the 3rd phase now for two weeks. Tom has one more week to go on the 3rd phase. Then we will be in the 4th and final phase, the maintenance phase.
I finished going through all of my clothes yesterday. I gave away a big bag today, and I have two large bins over flowing, and a garbage bag of winter clothes to give away in the fall. I plan to take some of the nicer stuff to AZ for a couple of my sisters.

TOM: 162.6
ANN: 151.8

Thursday, May 19, 2011


So I am on Phase 2 of the diet now. Tom is starting phase 3 where he starts eating carbs and fruit for breakfast along with protein and fat. (eggs, bacon, whole wheat toast with real butter, and an apple) My goal is to be on phase 3 next week. You need to be on phase 3 for 2 weeks, before you go to the fourth and final phase. I leave for AZ on June 20th for the sister's reunion and family reunion, so I want to be at that maintenance phase then.

Tom weighs 162.8. He lost 1.8 lbs. He average weight loss is 2.8 pounds per week.
Ann weighs 152.4. She lost 1.6 lbs. Her average weight loss is 2.6 pounds per week.

Tom's goal: To lose 40 pounds and weigh in at 162.
Ann's goal: revised to weigh 150.

I tried on some capris at Walmart today. Didn't buy any. Size 12's are too big in the waist. Size 10's too tight in the thighs. I will have to try a different store.

Tom is wearing size 32" waist pants.

This diet has be tough, but the results have been great! Now to see if we can maintain our hard work.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Last week's stats

Tom weighed in on Wednesday at noon since he was leaving for Montana bright and early on Thursday.

Tom: weighed 164.6, so he lost 1 lb. (He had jelly beans at work almost every day!)

Ann: weighed 154.2, so I lost only 1.4 lbs.

It is maddening to me to see Tom cheating, and enjoying that cheating and still dropping weight, while I painsakingly follow the protocol, and drop the weight so slowly. I hope the weigh in on Thursday goes a little bit better for me!

Tom I hoped you enjoyed those chocolate dipped strawberries, and cream puffs at the wedding reception!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I am a happy dieter!!! Well kind of. I am tired of the diet, but I am so happy that my body got out of the 3 week slump of not losing weight. It was about 10 days ago or so that I noticed that each time I hopped on the scale that I was losing. It has been awesome since then.

DAD: Weighs 165.6
He lost .6 pounds.
He is on the second phase of the diet where he can eat the protein we fix, and then of course his 2 cups of veggies at lunch now.
Total weight loss: 36.4 pounds
Dad's goal is to lose 40 pounds, so his goal weight is 162
So he has 3.6 pounds to lose to get to his target goal
ANN: Weighs 156 YES!!!
(I actually said that-- with the action after my weight registered on the scale.)
So 9 pounds lost since last weigh in.
Total weight loss: 33 pounds
My goal was to get to 145, but I am emotionally not handling the diet too well, so I am changing my goal to 150. So in the next week or so I will start on Phase 2.
I have 6 pounds to lose to get to my target goal--boy it would be nice if he fell off me like it did the last 10 days!!


This is the day that we took Dad and Kaytlin to the beach. It was breezy and chilly, but the sun was out and was so beautiful. Kaytlin found a small crab, and Kristin saw the eagle's nest which is in the top of the tree that we were standing by.

Dad was able to get a picture of the eagle.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


As you all know, on March 31st I didn't get a chance to weigh in since James and I were traveling to California for Grandpa Burdick's memorial. Tom lost two pounds last week.

April 7th weight in: Ann: lost 6.4 lbs. lost 1.75 inches Tom: lost 2.6 lbs. lost 1.5 inches

TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS: Tom: 30.6--He weighs 171.4 Ann: 24.4--She weighs 164.6 Tom has changed his goal to get down to 165, or less. My goal is 145, so I am over the half way mark. YEAH!!!!!! Dad's weight loss will slow down more each week since he is getting close to his suggested weight. I hope to keep up the average of 3 lbs loss per week!!

Friday, March 25, 2011


Our weigh in went better than last week! Both of us really tried to stick to the diet protocal as best we could. (No extra carbs!)

TOM'S loss:
weight: 4.5 lbs
inches: 2.25 inches
ANN'S loss:
weight: 2.5 lbs
inches: 1.75

Tom has lost over 26 lbs.
Ann has lost 19 lbs.

Not too bad when you look at it on paper huh! Or should I say screen!

Friday, March 18, 2011

WHAT?!?!?!?! REALLY?!?!?!

After I posted our last message, I tried to figure out the numbers for my weight loss and it wasn't computing right. Then I finally figured out the mistake. Kari, our new coach probably had the time before last, weigh in number which was 177 lbs. So I was down to 172.5 yesterday which from that weight was 4 1/2 lbs. In reality my last weigh in I was 173 pounds so----
yes I only lost 1/2 pound in 10 days. WHAT?!?!
Last night as Tom was reading out loud the things we could only have 1 of per day. AHA I have been having some of those things twice a day. (The items with more carbs) My coach didn't catch it when she looked through my journal either.
So here's hoping for a better weigh in for both Tom and I next Thursday!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How accurate are these scales?

We met at the new place to do our weigh in. So we have a new lady to work with and new scales to step on. I got weighed first, and lost 4 1/2 lbs. Tom weighed 3 different times showing he had lost less than approx. 1/2 lb. Of course he versed his concerns that he didn't trust the scale.

They Kari took us to her husband's office in the same building to a different scale. It showed that I lost 4.7 lbs. and Tom lost .6 lbs.

When we left, Tom was heading to the other clinic to weigh on the scale that we have been weighed in on since the beginning of the diet. I just talked to him on the phone and that scale said he had lost 2 lbs.--so if that is the case then I lost 6 lbs!!!

But we will want to keep consistent with the new scale so here are the numbers.
approx. 1 lb weight loss/ 2.25 inches lost
4 1/2 lbs weight loss/1.25 inches lost

Just a final note to this little story. Dad went to the scale in the men's locker room in the Federal Building and the scale showed the same weight loss as at our old clinic. Doesn't that sound so typical of Tom? HMMM I wonder if the little cheats (cookies last week and then the bacon at the campout) might have caused a problem!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I had a pretty low day today. Sometimes it gets lonely with Tom gone so much. I tried to stay busy, read part of a book and took a nap. Tom got home from the campout and suggested we get out of the house. He ended up taking me to the movie, "BEASTLY". It was more of a young adult chick flick, but I enjoyed it anyway and of course it has a good theme to it. We stopped at the grocery store to get some more VEGETABLES! I am so sick of this diet!!! We also found some of the Walden's Farms foods. We bought Ketchup, chocolate sauce, blueberry syrup, and caeser salad dressing. I think the diet is getting to me emotionally. But I decided to try something new for dinner tonight. It was a positive upper to eat something new and good.
I cooked ground chicken with chopped celery and minced garlic. I then added grated zucchini, & cauliflower to the mixture and saute'd a little longer with the sauce.
I made the sauce out of Stevia sweetner, soy sauce, red vinegar, lemon juice, tabasco sauce and water. We had lettuce wraps. It was so refreshing to eat something different and new! We had eaten these at PF Changs and enjoyed them there and enjoyed them tonight too! I JUST NEED TO TRY AND STAY UPBEAT AND POSITIVE. I AM LOSING WEIGHT FOR CRYING OUTLOUD!!!

New day to weigh in.

Tom and I were asked to move to a different location to weigh in. So our official weigh in day will be on Thursdays instead of Mondays. So our next official diet data posting will be a little bit longer.

Dad went on a campout with the YM last night. I packed his protein meals and veggies. I wonder how committed he will be on his diet while I am not around. I hope he can be strong!

I am really getting sick of eating the same old stuff over and over. I am still hopeful that by the end of April we will be on the 2nd phase of the diet, and then in May the 3rd phase, and then June the final phase. We shall see. Maybe I should have said that I only wanted to lose 30 pounds instead of 45 pounds. At least I am 1/3 of the way there!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I thank Tom for giving me some good info to put on our blog.

Last night we went over to the Sloan's home to take the wood carvings of the elephant and rhino that James brought back from South Africa. Brother Sloan is going to do some surgery on them so they will stand upright better. We sat down to visit with them for a while and Sister Sloan offered us some homemade cookies. I politely turned her down and told her that we were both on a diet and couldn't have sugar. A minute later Tom replied, "I would like to take you up on the offer of the cookies." Sister Sloan looked at him and then at me and asked, "Is it okay?" My reply was, "I am on my diet, and he is on his diet, so if he wants them, I am not going to stop him!" So she produced a plate of small choc. chip cookies. Tom ate one and relished in it, savoring every bite. A minute later he pick up another one, he looked and me with a huge grin on his face, and I just shook my head in unbelief! (Of course with a smile on my face) As soon as we got in the car to come home the first word out of my mouth was, "CHEATER!" And I mentioned that I was placing this story on our blog!!! AWWW--Thanks for the story TOM!


Yes, we have just finished one month of being on the "Ideal Protein" diet! Would should celebrate by going out for dessert! Whoops--maybe in a few months!!


Tom lost:
5 lbs. and 4 inches

Ann lost:
4 lbs and 1 inch

TOTAL Weight loss so far:
Tom: 20 lbs.
Ann: 16 lbs.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

James the detective.

Yesterday afternoon James pulled out the freezer drawer, and exclaimed, "Where are all of the ice cream sandwiches?" I reminded him that he and his friend Ian had had one each the night before. But James said he knew there had been more that 2 left. He asked me if I thought Tom had eaten one, and I immediatly replied, "NO WAY! He wouldn't do that!" Well Tom walked into the conversation, and........................................... yes the missing ice cream sandwich was accounted for. The skinny cow ice cream sandwich met it's demise while James and I were sleeping Saturday morning. The guilty party walked two miles after the deed, so he could burn off the extra calories. LOL

Monday, February 28, 2011

WOW! (End of 3rd week)

It is hard to believe how much weight we are losing on this diet.
lost 5 lbs and 1 1/2 inches.
Total weigh loss 15 pounds

lost 5 lbs and 4 inches.
Total weight loss: 12 pounds

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Starting Week Three!!

Wow! Another week done on our diet. Good results too.
Lost 4 1/2 pounds and shed 4 inches

Lost 2 1/2 pounds and shed 4 1/4 inches.

Total weight loss in 2 weeks:
Tom: 10 pounds
Ann: 7 pounds

Not bad, not bad at all!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Meal Yet!!

Yes those were the words right out of Tom's mouth!
I boiled some fresh asparagus and I baked some Tilapia fillets.
With the fish I baked them in foil with some olive oil, spices and a couple of slices of lemon. YUM!

I don't know if it was my cooking or if it was the "I can't believe it is not Butter!" spray that made him enjoy the meal so much. (We just found out that we can use the spray)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I went to lunch with Kathy Jensen, a person I used to work with at the flower shop.
I had a side salad of plain lettuce with some cucumbers and celery. And two glasses of ice water. MMMM? I was just going to talk and drink some water, but I was able to order this and munch on the rabbit food while she ate. It was fun to catch up with her. Not so fun eating though!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Our combined weight loss for one week is------10 pounds!
Dad lost 5 1/2 pounds.
I lost 4 1/2 pounds.

Dad lost 4 1/2 inches total
I lost 2 1/2 inches total

Dad was thrilled! I was excited.
We just finished eating our Valentine dinner of chicken, boiled swiss chard and salad!

One week done--how many more to go?

Friday, February 11, 2011

DAY 3-done and over!

So far so good. Yesterday was easier for me than day 2. I really didn't have a headache and had energy all day. Tom on the other hand was dragging at work and had to take ibuprophen for his headache.
Tom has been hopping on the scale at the Federal Bldg, and has lost a 2 lbs so far. I want to wait for Monday to see how much weight I have lost.
Last night we had zucchini, lettuce, and pork tenderloin. Dad had 1 cup of zucchini and 1 cup of brussel sprouts. I had my 8-9 cups of water during the day too. Lots of visiting the bathroom in the afternoon, evenings, and night for me! Driving by Dairy Queen last night was a small temptation--but don't want to jeopardize this. Dad hasn't been able to drink as much water because of work and Bishopric duties.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 1 of Diet--Done!

Yes we made it through day one!! I went shopping for meat and veggies, boy was it hard to stay away from the candy.
Dad is going to miss the ice cream. On our list of foods coffee and tea are optional, with a tablespoon of milk. Well Tom decided since the tablespoon of milk was listed it was okay for him to have that. Crazy guy! I wonder what the diet coach will say about that when she sees his journal.

So far both of us had headaches yesterday, although mine could have been hormonal.The coach said that day 3 will be our toughest. We will feel weak, and our minds won't be as sharp. We will see.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Time and a Season for Everything!

SURPRISE! Yes I am posting on our blog.

After reading Jared Thomas' blog on losing weight, I felt that it would be fun to document the efforts that Tom and I are making to shed a few pounds ourselves.

After talking with our Doctor and our neighbors who have had tried the diet, Tom and I decided we would give the "Ideal Protein" diet a try. Dr. Taylor had nothing but good things to say about it. Although the first discussion we had about it, he said it was a little bit expensive.

We have the funds and the desire so spending some hard earned money to be healthier will be worth it!

We met last night with our diet coach, whom I believe is a nurse practitioner. She has lost 70 lbs on the diet and has been on the it for 6 months.

We were measured and weighed. She asked us to set a target goal.

Tom wants to lose 40 lbs. I want to lose 45 lbs.

We will meet with her on a weekly basis to be weighed measured and to purchase the food for the following week. It is a very regimented diet for the first phase. After we lose 90% of our goal weight we will move into phase 2. We eat their food and vitamins for breakfast, lunch and also the snack. And for dinner we fix food from the list of food we can use. I think Tom will be excited that everyday he will have a meal prepared for him!!