Thursday, May 26, 2011


Emotionally it is time for me to finish this diet. It has brought forth great results, but my mental health is suffering so it is time to move forward. I will go to the 3rd phase now for two weeks. Tom has one more week to go on the 3rd phase. Then we will be in the 4th and final phase, the maintenance phase.
I finished going through all of my clothes yesterday. I gave away a big bag today, and I have two large bins over flowing, and a garbage bag of winter clothes to give away in the fall. I plan to take some of the nicer stuff to AZ for a couple of my sisters.

TOM: 162.6
ANN: 151.8

Thursday, May 19, 2011


So I am on Phase 2 of the diet now. Tom is starting phase 3 where he starts eating carbs and fruit for breakfast along with protein and fat. (eggs, bacon, whole wheat toast with real butter, and an apple) My goal is to be on phase 3 next week. You need to be on phase 3 for 2 weeks, before you go to the fourth and final phase. I leave for AZ on June 20th for the sister's reunion and family reunion, so I want to be at that maintenance phase then.

Tom weighs 162.8. He lost 1.8 lbs. He average weight loss is 2.8 pounds per week.
Ann weighs 152.4. She lost 1.6 lbs. Her average weight loss is 2.6 pounds per week.

Tom's goal: To lose 40 pounds and weigh in at 162.
Ann's goal: revised to weigh 150.

I tried on some capris at Walmart today. Didn't buy any. Size 12's are too big in the waist. Size 10's too tight in the thighs. I will have to try a different store.

Tom is wearing size 32" waist pants.

This diet has be tough, but the results have been great! Now to see if we can maintain our hard work.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Last week's stats

Tom weighed in on Wednesday at noon since he was leaving for Montana bright and early on Thursday.

Tom: weighed 164.6, so he lost 1 lb. (He had jelly beans at work almost every day!)

Ann: weighed 154.2, so I lost only 1.4 lbs.

It is maddening to me to see Tom cheating, and enjoying that cheating and still dropping weight, while I painsakingly follow the protocol, and drop the weight so slowly. I hope the weigh in on Thursday goes a little bit better for me!

Tom I hoped you enjoyed those chocolate dipped strawberries, and cream puffs at the wedding reception!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I am a happy dieter!!! Well kind of. I am tired of the diet, but I am so happy that my body got out of the 3 week slump of not losing weight. It was about 10 days ago or so that I noticed that each time I hopped on the scale that I was losing. It has been awesome since then.

DAD: Weighs 165.6
He lost .6 pounds.
He is on the second phase of the diet where he can eat the protein we fix, and then of course his 2 cups of veggies at lunch now.
Total weight loss: 36.4 pounds
Dad's goal is to lose 40 pounds, so his goal weight is 162
So he has 3.6 pounds to lose to get to his target goal
ANN: Weighs 156 YES!!!
(I actually said that-- with the action after my weight registered on the scale.)
So 9 pounds lost since last weigh in.
Total weight loss: 33 pounds
My goal was to get to 145, but I am emotionally not handling the diet too well, so I am changing my goal to 150. So in the next week or so I will start on Phase 2.
I have 6 pounds to lose to get to my target goal--boy it would be nice if he fell off me like it did the last 10 days!!


This is the day that we took Dad and Kaytlin to the beach. It was breezy and chilly, but the sun was out and was so beautiful. Kaytlin found a small crab, and Kristin saw the eagle's nest which is in the top of the tree that we were standing by.

Dad was able to get a picture of the eagle.