Monday, April 6, 2009

How is your Latin?

Postmaster J. Albert Brown and staff have been busy the past few weeks with the Christmas rush, and have accomplished the job without a hitch. But the Post office personnel, Mr. Brown says, are glad the rush is over. Many cards, packages and special delivery items were handled during the rush.
Albert Brown Shoots Prowler Tuesday Night
Mephitis Americana, life-long resident of Apache county was shot and killed outside a St. Johns home Tuesday evening. No known relatives have been located.

J. Albert Brown, postmaster of St. Johns, is not one to take invasion of him home lightly, and is prepared to take great personal risk in keeping the place inviolate to all prowlers.

Last Monday night the family was enjoying a quiet evening at home when he heard a noise in the kitchen. Being a brave man, he went to investigate instead of sending his wife. The intruder slipped out without being seen.

Tuesday night the youngest member of the family, Brent, was reading in the front room when in walked Mephitis Americana.

Being only a small boy, he was afraid to move and after Mephitis had left the room he ran for help from his dad.

Albert quickly surrounded the area in which the culprit was in hiding and stepped to the side door with his trusty shotgun. He had his wife tap on a back window to frighten the prowler and when he ran out the side door he let go a shot.The intruder was mortally wounded although not defenseless and it took a second well placed shot to end his nocturnal degradations.

Mephitis Americana died without a statement, but his black and white fur coat was a total loss. If you aren't up on Latin, Mephities Americana is the the common skunk.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Do you know your ancestors?

I wanted to post this article, but the image isn't big enough for you to read it. I tried to re-do it but it still isn't big enough to read so I will type out the article for you soon.

Do you know your ancestors?